Trusted methodology that includes automated and human analysis of millions of publicly available platforms, media sources, unique websites and databases
Privacy & Safety
Social Media reports that includes redaction of protected class information, preventing employers from unintentionally applying bias.
Actionable Results
Developed by experts in employment law and focus on business related identified behaviors marrying context and content for legally defensible decision making.
Accurate & Relevant
Streamline report results allow for speedy review. Review what is relevant quickly without the clutter of unnecessary and unusable data.
Social Media Screening
Social Media Screening can help prevent issues that arise in your business and organization that stem from...
Hostility, harassment and bullying
Safety of Employees and Clients
Negligent Hiring Practices and Lawsuits
Risk of Bad Publicity / Reputational Risk
72% of employers use social media to screen candidates, up from 11% in 2006
Conducting social media checks internally is a bad idea for a few reasons;
DIY is Expensive
The average HR salary is anywhere from $17-$60 per hour.
Playing Detective
A few hours of going down the "rabbit hole" can get expensive, create inconsistencies in the process and it's messy
You Cannot Un-See It
By observing information that is protected or sensitive that should not and cannot be considered when making a hiring decision puts your company at risk.
Demonstrates Racism or Intolerance
Potentially Illegal Activity
Potentially Violent Conduct
Sexually Explicit Material
More questions?
Do not hesitate to contact us at startscreening@santoniworldwide.ecom